With SOS Bild Archiv all required data for the management of a portfolio of image, audio and video files can be entered, maintained, searched and printed.

This includes by default in addition to labels (picture and picture number), scope and visual medium characteristics also properties like height and width, information about the nature of archiving, copyright notices, validity, and more. This range of information can be expanded as an individual version according to your requirements.
Each record can be illustrated by five figures in various formats (raster images BMP, DIB, PCX and GIF, PCD Photo-CD, Digital Video AVI, Autodesk FLI and FLC animations, sound files, WAV and MID). These are scaled accurately independent of their original size and represented in up to 16.7 million colors.
SOS Bild Archiv can be extended by you and is limited in its scope only by the available memory of your computer.
Entries can be searched by name or number. The image archive is sortable by each property.
Each property, and combinations thereof can be defined as a view filter to hide images. Of course, the image archive can be edited and extended while a filter is active.
The entire image archive is fully loaded into the memory of the computer, so that changes can be discarded by simply not storing them.
For the inexperienced user a simple way of handling is offered with a tool bar and status bar, a print preview and a context sensitive online help. SOS Bild Archiv also contains a setup program and the possibility to exchange an image with other programs via the clipboard.
SOS Bild Archiv supports archiving, but may also simply serve as a reference book and, with slight modifications, can also be used as a order catalog and quoting system.
SOS Bild Archiv costs € 25.64 and is available either as 16-bit version for Windows 3.1 and 3.11 or 32-bit version for Windows 95 and Windows NT. A test version without the possibility of expanding the image archive itself is available for a reimbursement of € 5.11.