PiSoftware GinADB is the database module of the garden planning system GINA. It allowes to enter, maintain, search and print all the data for the planning of an ornamental garden.

In addition to names (German, botanical and species name), height, deciduous and flowering colors, it also includes properties such as space, flowering period, information on the preferred location (soil and light) as well as garden type (natural garden, cottage garden, etc.) and much more. For automatic planning with Gina you can additionlly assign each plant a popularity value. Each plant can be illustrated by five figures in a variety of formats (BMP, PCX, GIF, PCD, AVI, FLI, FLC, WAV, MID). These are scaled independent of their size and shown correctly with up to 16.7 million colors.
GinADB contains more than 650 plants with about 200 pictures and can be extended by you.
Plants can be searched by their German or botanical name. The database is sortable by each property.
Each property, and combinations thereof can be defined as a view filter and hide plants. Of course, the database can also be edited and extended while a filter is enabled.
The entire database is fully loaded into the memory of the computer, so you can discard changes simply by not storing them.
For the inexperienced user a simple way of handling is offered with a tool bar and status bar, a print preview and a context sensitive online help. GinADB also contains a setup program and the possibility to exchange the data of a plant with other programs via the clipboard.
GinADB will soon be complemented with the planning software Gina, that allows a garden design by the input of the plan, the selection of the beds and plants and the creation of shopping lists and planting plans. An update from GinADB to Gina is possible.
The planning software NinA with NinADB to design a kitchen garden is in preparation.
GinADB will cost € 35.30 and is available either as 16-bit or 32-bit version. A trial version with over 200 plants and about 60 images without the possibility to expand the database itself is available for a reimbursement of € 5.11.